Quake III Arena level editors

Editor programs

Garux's NetRadiant
NetRadiant (extract Q3A support into the radiant folder, place these textures into the Quake 3 Arena baseq3 folder for the editor: common-spog.pk3, extract scripts.zip)
GTKRadiant 1.6
GTKRadiant 1.5 (place these textures into the Quake 3 Arena baseq3 folder for the editor: common-spog.pk3, extract scripts.zip)
GTKRadiant 1.4
Any program that can export Quake 3 Arena map files, for example Blender or 3ds Max.

Other useful programs

EasyGen (Video tutorial)
New Paricle Studio
Npherno's MD3 Compiler and MD3 Viewer
Q3ASE (Q3A Shader Editor)
Any ZIP file archiver to create pk3 files, for example 7-Zip.


jobh.txt List of jump overbounce heights
gobh.txt List of go overbounce heights
water obs List of water overbounce heights
pads.zip Console pad distance generator
Gambit's DefragPad generator and more
defrag.ent Para poder ver las entities de defrag en GtkRadiant 1.5.0, necesitas poner el archivo defrag.ent en el directorio: GTKRadiant1.5.0/q3.game/baseq3/defrag.ent
template.defi Example defi file

External editing tutorials

Haos Redro mapping tutorials
bubba's arena
quBit and p00nie's tutorials
Quake 3 Arena Weapon's Factory Arena Tutorials
Surface Group's Tutorials
Tremulous Mapping
Advanced Portal and Hinting Optimization Tutorial


CG Textures
Texture library


Q3map2 wikiQ3map2 is a command-line map compiler that is part of radiant.
Q3map2 shader manual
texture_list.zip 3,55 MB (13/11/2009) Lista de shaders y texturas de todos los archivos pk3. La lista de texturas es útil para encontrar el archivo pk3 buscando por textura o nombre de shader.
mapfilename.arenaExample arena file
pk3structure.txtExample for the pk3 structure
Cinema 4d Quake map exporter
Rocket Arena 3 (RA3) Map Tutorial and Guide
q3a-example-maps-2004-12-06.tar.gzbaseq3 md3 models and maps: terrademoQ3, q3dm17, q3dm1, q3dm7. (4.59 MB, MD5: 52c3b29a7d83fce298843f513d249ed5)

Custom texture packs